The lab includes various facilities for DC characterization, Analog/RF characterization, and a probe station. The lab conducts research in various directions including solar cells, power management, energy harvesting, PV applications, sensor interfaces, ADC designs, WSN applications, and serial links.
Communication & Signal Processing Research Lab (CSPRL) - Communications.
The lab conducts research in various directions including Speech and image Processing, OFDM and MIMO Systems, Software Defined Radio, Cognitive Radio Networks, Ad-hoc and Wireless Sensor Networks, and Ciphering & Radars systems.
Optical Communications and Laser Lab (OCLL) - Photonics.
The lab engages in numerous research directions including optical sensors (gas sensors, rotation sensors, etc.), optical telecommunications, spectroscopy and material identification, biomedical imaging, and non-linear optics.
Microwave and Antennas Research Lab (MARL) - Microwaves.
The lab offers various facilities including an Antenna Chamber [0.7-18 GHz], and a vector network analyzer [70 GHz]. The lab conducts research in various directions including compact size antennas, artificial materials, microwave and millimeter wave circuits, and microwave communications.