Engineering Training Center
Local and Global Competitive Leadership in Engineering and Technological Training Innovation and Management.
For the Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University to establish a national and regional training center focused on engineering principles and practices is a fulfillment of its social responsibility. This center would provide technical and technological training opportunities for students, employees, and researchers in the engineering and technology sectors.
The center is dedicated to fulfilling the mission of the Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, particularly in keeping pace with global technological advancements across various sectors and specializations. This is achieved by providing advanced training programs in technical education and continuing engineering education for students, graduates, researchers, engineers, and professionals. The center employs a comprehensive strategic approach that integrates continuing education, environmental, social, and economic sustainability into the culture, activities, and infrastructure of the faculty. The primary objectives are as follows:
- Solving technical problems faced by industries and various workplaces in a scientific manner.
- Contributing to the localization of technical and engineering skills through practical application.
- Disseminating technical training services in maintenance fields through the Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University.
- Bridging the skills gap between academic education and industry needs, especially in technical training and maintenance.
- Securing technical support and funding through local and international partnerships.
- Providing technical and consulting assistance to all institutions in developing roadmaps for achieving sustainability in training.
Scope of the Center
The center specializes in implementing training programs for students, graduates, researchers, and individuals, as well as organizations and institutions working in various engineering fields. These programs are based on a training plan announced at the beginning of each academic year, considering the training market needs in the diverse engineering fields.
Engineering Training Programs
Mechanical Engineering Programs
- Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration.
- Welding Engineering & Technology.
- Lubrication Technology.
- Hydraulic Systems.
- Pressure Vessels.
- Ventilation Engineering.
- Fired Heaters.
- Air Coolers and Cooling Towers.
- Applied Combustion Technology.
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Chemical Engineering Programs
- Advanced Corrosion Technology.
- Water Treatment Technology.
- Cathodic Protection Engineering.
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Electrical Engineering Programs
- Sampling Systems and Analytical Instruments.
- Generation of Electrical Power.
- Electrical Power Systems Troubleshooting.
- Electric Motors.
- Telephone Networks.
- Switchgears.
- Electrical Power Distribution Systems.
- Optical Fiber Telecommunications.
- Electrical & Electronic Instruments.
- International Standards for Electrical Energy and Energy Efficiency Systems.
- Basic PLC Programming course.
- Maintenance of plc systems.
- Testing, maintenance and operation of power transformers.
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Power Engineering Programs
- Energy Conservation.
- Steam System Efficiency Improvement.
- Switching Fuels from Liquid to Natural Gas.
- Boilers Operation and Maintenance.
- Gas Turbines.
- Machine Failure Analysis.
- Pipelines Design.
- Pumps and Compressors.
- Bearing: Selection & Maintenance.
- Heat Exchangers.
- Rotating Equipment.
- Balancing Machinery Components.
- Machinery Alignment.
- Steam Turbines.
- Troubleshooting Process Control Loops.
- Computer Application in Process Control.
- Measurement and Process Control.
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Production & maintenance Engineering Programs
- Machinery Foundation & Grouting.
- New Concept for Maintenance System.
- Workshop Management.
- Integrated Fault Diagnostic.
- Noise at Industries.
- Noise: Its Measurement, Analysis, Rating, and Control.
- System Engineering.
- Reverse Engineering as a Tool in Establishing the Design Specification of Spare Parts and Manufacturing.
- Material Selection.
- Long Program for Promoting the Technicians.
- Advanced Maintenance Management.
- Managing Transportation and Handling Facilities.
- Applied Production and Operation Management.
- CNC Programming basic using Fanuc.
- CNC Programming basic using Sinumerik.
- Design and manufacture of plastic injection molds with inspection of molds and detection of defects.
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Civil Engineering Programs
- Supervising the implementation of bridge projects.
- Diagnose reinforced concrete defects and judge the safety of structures.
- Computer design of concrete structures.
- Prestressed concrete technology.
- Quality Control of Concrete.
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Architecture Programs
- Computer applications in architecture visualization - Photoshop.
- Computer applications in architecture visualization - 3DS MAX.
- Computer applications in architecture BIM.
- Interior design.
- Environmental design and sustainable architecture.
- Project management.
- Value engineering & its role in the project success.
- Project management Fundamentals of project management.
- Project management studying types of contracts (FIDIC).
- Project management Preparing the bidding documents for the project.
- Project management Project risk management.
- Implementation supervision stages Implementation management of the project's phases.
- Implementation supervision stages Stages of execution of finishes for regular architectural works.
- Building maintenance and operation management program.
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